hello, again

Well if you havenโ€™t noticed this lil site has had a small makeoverโ€ฆ

You might notice all my photos have been updated. This was no small feat. Iโ€™m essentially on indefinite sick leave from life and so have done everything as a kind of slightly obsessive DIY project, head-to-toe.

I did the whole thing. The shots are not perfect – I used a clicker on my phone to remotely take pictures so I could use the better back camera. I have this studio lighting setup and a cheap sunset lamp to create this cool spotlight.

Since the last time I took photos, I gave birth to a chihuahua and she wanted to be in all the photos too.

The bolster you might see on my โ€˜Practicesโ€™ page is an old DIY make from 2016.

And then the modelling and groomingโ€ฆ

I cut and dyed my own hair.
I applied my own eyelash extensions

I did do my full face of make up (although I have worked as a make up artist who applied lashes so those donโ€™t count)

I made all my activewear by hand

Even my underwear Iโ€™ve made myself, and the t-shirts you can purchase via You Seek Yoga!

This was the first bit of work Iโ€™ve done in a while and it felt fun!

Editing the photos hasnโ€™t been the easiest; my laptop broke and I havenโ€™t yet replaced it, so donโ€™t really have anything easy to edit with.

Itโ€™s been a fun and challenging exercise in being this self-sufficient and the truth of it is simple: I like nice things, I like things to be of quality and I canโ€™t afford to buy the things I want ready made. Plus bodies are now advertising spaces and if you want me to wear your clothes I need a brand deal!

That aside itโ€™s kind of been personally cleansing to strip back my yoga practice and learn how to be truly self-sufficient in every other aspect of life. And to understand how everything is made, these past couple of years have been a journey of learning myself and loving myself.

itโ€™s like, here I am, 100% myself.






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